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Results for Clit episodes on Czech Wife Swap

Czech Wife Swap 4 - PART 3
Cutest Czech Clit Gets Pounded!

Cutest Czech Clit Gets Pounded!

Housewife of the year, Kristyna, showed her amazing cooking skills and prepared spaghetti with ketchup, and all that under an hour. Man, my taste buds are swooning. Luckily her tits and the most beautiful clit ever saved the day. Let's hope Michal can finally get it up. The impossible happened and he's hard and hot blonde finally gets a proper chance to ride him and to make him cum all over her sweet ass. But all that apparently wasn't enough for sexually frustrated Kristyna and she had to help herself in the shower.
On the other side, Pepa promised Veronika an oral tornado. It must have been good since it earned him a blowjob and a fuck. Or maybe, just maybe, Veronika is a naughty slut
The final meeting will be fun to watch, you don't want to miss that.

Czech Wife Swap 4 - PART 2
Morning Revenge: Payback Time!

Morning Revenge: Payback Time!

Do you want more crazy? Welcome to this episode of Wife Swap. Veronika is lazy and messy, tired all the time and when she's awake she cannot restrain herself. Pepa left to work mad as fuck and when he came home, he found her acting crazy and dressed like a slut. Dressed up woman is better than a clean place, right? The morning started with him showing his flagpole in her mouth and decorated her face with his load. The journey to work must have been much more pleasant this morning.
And then there is Michal. A poor fuck, this guy, running after Kristyna like a small puppy. To be honest, that bitch is super hot even when she's taking a non sense and she treats his cock like a teddy bear. And that ass of hers, that would get even a disabled guy up. Unfortunately, Michal's cock is worse than that and doesn't give a fuck (pun intended). After he failed even when she played with her clit in front of his face, he had to lick his way out. At least his tongue works.

Czech Wife Swap 9 - PART 2
Here Comes the Big Cock: No Turning Back!

Here Comes the Big Cock: No Turning Back!

Uncensored Wife Swap is getting wild! Get ready for some proper fucking!
Everybody wants to know when will Danny finally fuck that little slut Stepanka. That girl is teasing him and her flirting is unbearable. Danny had to whip out his cock and fuck her hard from behind. That was a pure animalistic passion. His dick almost made Stepanka faint, she has never before seen a dick like that.
The other household is ready for dinner and it's served by nude Veronika. Every man needs a wife like this. The good boy Vita will tune her clit before she went to bed, that's how you tip a waitress like this.
This episode is flawless, you will love it!

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Czech Casting 1518

Pavla (28)

Have you ever seen an IT specialist who was a woman? Have you ever seen a beautiful woman who is an IT specialist? Have you ever seen a stunner who could be a super model and works as an IT specialist? This is Pavla, an IT specialist who looks like a super model. My pleasure. Incredible! What do you reckon? This is her first casting and first time she is naked on camera. Have a hands-on experience of this photogenic and shapely blondie getting naked. Enjoy her confession first. You’ll get to know that Pavla likes to play with her clit in front of a guy. It turns her on when a woman eats her out. I call for bids if this stunning IT specialist lets herself be fucked on the white sofa from a stranger. Odds are 3:1. Go for it!

Czech Casting 1367

Michaela (22)

Watching this casting left me feeling like I was run over by a steam roller. 22 years old mother Michaela is unbelievably hot girl. Brunette with sexy eyes and perfect figure told us about her difficult childhood with her addicted father. She also told us she considered filming a video!!! But she has a boyfriend, so she wouldn’t do anything more than some lesbian scenes or a solo with vibrator. Then she told us she loves thick cocks! We just let her talk with the cameraman and the hell broke loose. You won’t see such a wild fuck in a long time! Michaela is an unbelievable whore!!! She will destroy you!!! Have fun!

Czech Casting 5672

Veronika (24)

This episode rocks! Veronika is a mulatto and a top notch whore! The first knock out happened when she confessed that her favourite pet was her electric toothbrush. She uses it to clean her clit daily because her partner’s cock is utterly limp. Veronika’s pussy has no restraints and it chomped down at least one hundred cocks. She’s such a tramp. She went hyperspace with our cameraman and reached a massive orgasm within minutes! Inviting Ales into her butthole was an icing on the cake. Bring her on! Her holes are so tight!

Czech Streets

18 years old beauty Silvie

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